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Configuring the Lube System

Lube systems deliver lube to the machine on a schedule. The parameters configure what that schedule is and how the lube is delivered.

Accessing the Lube System Parameters

1. Go to the Service -> Maintenance page.

2. Click on the Interface Config button.


3. Search for "Lube System" on the Parameters tab.

Lube System Parameters

Below are the parameters available for the lube system and how they interact.

  • Lube System Enabled: determines if any lube sequences will be run during operation of the machine. If this is set to No, then no other parameters have an effect on the machine.
  • Run Lube Cycle On Startupwhen set to Yes, the lube cycle will run once when the control software is started.
  • Lube System Type: 
    • Timed system will run the lube cycle on a specified interval, during the time that Lube Action Trigger is true.
    • An Event system will turn on the lube output for the entire time the Lube Action Trigger is true. This ignores the timer settings. 
  • Lube Action Trigger:
    • Event Systems:
      • Any Time: the lube output will always be turned on.
      • Machine Enabled: the lube output will only be on when the machine is enabled.
      • Spindle Running: the lube output will only be on when the Spindle On output comes on.
      • Not Idle: the lube output will be on when the machine is not idle.
    • Timer Systems:
      • Any Time: the lube cycle will always be run on time.
      • Machine Enabled: the lube cycle will only be run when the machine is enabled and the timer triggers.
      • Spindle Running: the lube cycle will only be run when the Spindle On output comes on and the timer triggers.
      • Not Idle: the lube cycle will only be run when the machine is not idle and the timer triggers.
  • Lube Use PLC Sequence?: when set to yes, the lube cycle will call the PLC sequence instead of turning on an output.
    • Not compatible with systems with Lube System Type set to Event.
  • Lube PLC Sequence #: the sequence number on the PLC to call when the lube cycle should run. Only in effect when Lube Use PLC Sequence is set to Yes.
  • Wait for Lube PLC Sequence to Complete?: determines if the lube cycle will wait for the PLC sequence to complete before completing the lube cycle. Only in effect when Lube Use PLC Sequence is set to Yes.
  • Lube Output: which output to turn on for lube pump to run. Only in effect when Lube Use PLC Sequence is set to No.
  • Lube Pressure Input: which input to wait for to determine the lube pump is at pressure. Only in effect when Lube Use PLC Sequence is set to No. If the input does not turn on within 60 seconds of the Lube Output turning on, an error will be logged and the output will turn off. If the input does turn on, then the Lube Output will be turned off.
  • Lube Time Off: interval in minutes to check if the lube cycle can be run. If the Lube Action Trigger is set to Any Time, then the lube cycle will always be run on this interval. Otherwise, the condition set by the trigger must also be met or the system will wait for the next lube cycle interval.
  • Lube Time On: interval in seconds to leave the Lube Output on if Lube System Type is set to Timer and there is no Lube Pressure Input assigned. Only in effect when Lube Use PLC Sequence is set to No.


The below image shows a lube system that will run every five minutes if the spindle is running. It will turn on the I/O point assigned to Lube Output and wait up to 60 seconds for the Lube Pressure Input to turn on, then turn off the output again.
