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Probing on Rapidpath systems with CTB

In short: You need to set parameter L1-43 to 257 for a normally closed probe. Mach signal must be "Active Low".  Continue reading for a more detailed explanation. 

By default, all our 2050 RP knee mill kits ship configured for normally open(Rising edge) probes .

 Most probes and tool setters are rising edge for accuracy reasons, however there are a few out there that are still NC. 

For an NC circuit probe we need to change a parameter in the CTB drive. See image below. 

By default, Probe 1 is our "Probe(G31)" input and Probe 2 is our Toolsetter(G31.1) input.

This shows that on(1) is falling edge(NC) and off(0) is rising edge(NO). Use a calculator set to bianary to figure out what the value should be. 

For example, to set probe 1 to NO and probe 2 to NC we would configure the calculator like so: 

Set bit 0 to 1 as well. 

This gives us the value to write to the drive, 257. 

Save parameters and cycle power to the drive. 

Finally, the signals in Mach must, of course, be mapped accordingly as "Active Low".

In Short, here are the probe settings in a handy chart.

Edge probe                          Tool setter probe                     L1-43  Value

       NO                                                NO                                        0

       NC                                                 NO                                        1    

       NO                                                 NC                                       256

       NC                                                  NC                                      257

Keywords: probe stopping rapid path rising edge falling tool setter normally closed circuit setter not working