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Mach4 Plasma Torque Offset

To adjust the amount torque offset you will need to do the following steps.

Move torch over material as a torch touch off will be done.

User left click on "Enable"


User left click on "Settings"


User left click on "Neuron Settings"


User left click on "Start Setup " in "Diagnostics" Tab


User left click on "Yes (push button)" in "Neuron Controller"


The torch will then move down to the plate and then come off.

Use the Tip Volts knob on the operating panel to adjust the torch until it is physically .200" off the plate. The offset amount will automatically be applied in the offset value now.

User left click on "Start Setup (check box)" in "Neuron Torch Height Control :: Settings"


The torch will than move rapidly up to the home postion

 User left click on "OK (push button)" in "Neuron Controller" 
