Help for Mach3, Mach4, SigmaNest and other MachMotion software platforms
Mach4 G-Code and M-Code Reference
Introduction G-code is a special programming language that is interpreted by Computer Numerica...
Mach4 Lathe G-Code and M-Code Reference
Chapter 1: Introduction G-Code is a special programming language that is interpreted by Comput...
Mach4 Advanced M-Code Reference
Chapter 1 : Advanced Macros M-Code Descriptions M19 - Spindle Orient Command Spindle Orient wi...
Macro B Reference Guide
Macro B programming may not be included on your MachMotion control. If you are not able to use t...
Custom Macro B Reference Guide
Calling Words Examples M98 - Subroutine Call M98 P1000 (Call subprogram O1000) ...
MachMotion Probing Wizard
Overview The wizard is embedded in the MachMotion Mill 1150M – Probing and MachMotion Mill 215...
Mach4 Password Protections
Gcode Close - Level 1 Gcode Load - Level 1 Gcode Recent - Level 1 UnLocked Mode - Level 1 Gcod...
Tools Offsets
Tool X and Y Offsets Select View->Tool Tables... You will see the tool table. Select Edit->T...
File Resume or Run From Here
Running a G-Code File with the "File Resume" or "Run From Here" Option If for whatever reason a ...
Automatic Backups
Profile Backup A profile backup is a small backup of just the files and directories that change ...
Constant Velocity in Mach4
Constant Velocity can improve cut quality, especially on gantry style machines like routers and...
Data Collector
Overview The data collector plugin allows you to track the state of a signal between multiple ru...
Winerack Style Tool Changer
Overview The MachMotion plugin has support a wine rack tool changing system. It works by taking ...
Single Block Behavior
Purpose This document outlines the expected behavior of the control while Single Block is on. G...
Gang Spindle Setup
Overview The gang spindle parameters allow multiple spindles to be locked together in their run ...
Mach Controlled Fixed Memory Auto Tool Changers
Overview The Carousel and Winrack tool changers work off of MachMotion Parameters and an Excel f...
Carousel Style Tool Changer
Overview The MachMotion control has built-in support for Carousel Tool Changers. It works by tak...
Spindle Speed Variation SSV
M38 / M39 Spindle Speed Variation On/Off Spindle Speed Variation (SSV) allows the operator to sp...
Mach4 Logging and Log File
To access the Mach Logging select diagnostics and then Logging... From this window we can Pin ...
Arc Center Mode
Large Arcs when Loading GCode If you are getting large arc and circles displayed in the tool pat...
Mach 4 Gems
Mach 4 Gems These are G code and Lua snippets that have solved some problems in the past that ma...
SigmaNEST Quick Start Guide
1 Introduction This guide will discuss the basic steps in using SigmaNEST to create a cut file...
SigmaNEST Oxy or Plasma Process Selection
SigmaNEST is set to use tool 1 (plasma) as default process. You can change to OXY per part or set...
SigmaNest Access Violation Message
This error message seems to happen when the same file is loaded into the Mach4 software. Recomme...
Conversational Programming
Alexsys V2 Operator Manual
1. Overview ALEXSYS is a programming system for CNC machining centers. That combines features...
Alexsys V4 Mill Operator Manual
Overview ALEXSYS is a programming system for CNC machining centers. That combines features of...
Alexsys V4 Turn Operator Manual
Overview ALEXSYS is a programming system for CNC turning centers that combines features of CA...
Mach4 - In Depth
Take a closer look at Mach4.
Enable or Disable Mach4 PLC 1000 Series
To enable/disable the PLC in Mach4, follow the attached instructions. File Type Doc...
Mach 4 Screw Mapping
Screw Mapping in Mach 4 Mach 4 (after build 2107, 2014-11-17) implements symmetric, bidirectiona...
1000 Series Mach4 Aux Button Setup
On the 1000 Series control, there are six user auxiliary buttons that can be configured. To ...
gcEdit error in Mach4
Problem: When attempting to edit g-code, user receives a gcEdit error. Solution: With the co...
Jogging Increments & Pendant Info for Mach4
Adjusting Pendant Acceleration You can adjust the pendant acceleration by going to the Settings ...
Setting Spindle RPM (Mach4)
Problem: Not going the correct RPM? Is the spindle encoder configured correctly? Option 1 ...
Setup Gears in Mach4
Setup gears If you do not know the gear ratio on the spindle, setup the spindle as follows: S...
G73 / G83 Peck Drilling Reposition Location - Mach4
Symptoms The control descends too far on a rapid reposition and breaks drill bits. High-speed...
Global Monitoring System
On older controls, this feature was known as Global Messaging System. Configuration Access the ...
Enable Slave Axis in Mach4
There are 2 configuration options: Homing with Home/Limit switch on the Master: First: In the M...
Update Mach4 without internet to control
To update Mach4 software without internet to the control you can do so by completing the followin...
Pendant going the same direction or the same speed - Mach4
Problem: When moving the MPG Pendant really fast and it continues in the same direction or the ...
Open G-Code in Command Prompt - Mach4
Command Lines to Open and Close a G-Code File in Mach4: Open:C:\Mach4\tools\MachUtil\MachUtil.ex...
Machine Slams on Stop Command-Mach4
If you do a stop and it stops instantly and is hard on the machine, you can turn it into a contro...
Plasma Laser Alignment Offsets Mach4
The laser alignment is set by tool offsets. This is in the tool table and down at the bottom. Yo...
Mach4 Plasma Target or Sampled
Getting torch height control (THC) to work properly in Mach4 Plasma screen: When running target ...
Dual Spindle Setup-Mach4
Tool Assignments Tool 100 is the secondary spindle. Pockets 1-20 are for the primary spindle....
Mach4 Axis Motor Calibration
If your machine is moving incorrect commanded distances, it might be a matter of being calibrated...
How to Turn Off Home In Place - Mach4
Home in place is a feature that allows axes to home in their current position. This is usually us...
Aligning Slave Axis Gantry - HiCON Mach4
This only applies to master and slave axes on a gantry. If you are trying to align the tables on ...
Mach4 Plasma Torque Offset
To adjust the amount torque offset you will need to do the following steps. Move torch over mate...
Starting Mach4 With Command Line Parameters
Modifying the Mach4 shortcut Right click on the Icon used to open Mach4 and select Properties. ...
Tool Setter Video
Here is a great video resource on using an automatic or manual tool setter in Mach4. This video s...
Modbus Operation In Mach4
Setup Below are the main plugins used for Modbus Control. Configure -> Plugins -> MachMotion M...
PMC Programming
PMC Overview "PMC" is a Mach feature that uses ladder logic programming to do more complicated I...
Drill Bank Setup & Operation
Drill Bank Example Drawing The numbers 20-29 are straight drills and the numbers 14-19 are hor...
SheetCAM Post Processor
Description of the problem: What are the correct post files for use with SheetCAM? S...
SheetCAM Training Information & Tutorials
Tips/Notes: Using the % character in the filename can cause SheetCAM to crash/freeze when impor...
Wiggle Lead In (SheetCAM)
Here are a few screen shots of menus from sheetcam and an explanation of how to set up a wiggle/o...
SheetCAM Path Rules
SheetCAM path rules can be setup for things like turning off THC control on small parts and slowi...
SheetCAM Freezing on Startup
If SheetCAM gets stuck on the loading screen it can be caused by a permissions conflict if the cu...
Setting Debounce Level
Description of the problem: Debounce is the number of pulses that a switch must be stable for it...
Post Processors for CAM Software
Overview Our MachMotion software runs gcode and can be in various file types such as .txt, .nc, ...
Motion Continues After Feedrate of 0%
Problem: Motion continues before stopping when setting feedrate to 0%. Issue: Motion is comman...
Audible Light Stack Solution
Suggestion is they get a lightstack with audible option. The sheet below has info on that. They c...
iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Description of Issue Issue occurs when a PNG file was created using a different module of libpng...
MasterCAM 3x Post (2021, 2022)
Loading a MasterCAM Post processor Please download the post from our tech-exchange as a (.mcam-c...
Lathe Tool Tip Types
Turn Tip Types The tip type (usually represented by a number) expresses the direction and useful...
ZeroBrane Studio
Mach uses the ZeroBrane Studio for debugging Lua scripts and MCodes
Barcode Scanner (Serial Port)
Getting Started The barcode scanner module works with any scanner that can emulate a serial port...