Yaskawa Modbus VFD Using Inputs for General Use
In the VFD we need to set parameters H1-01 to H1-06 to 000F to make them not used in the drive so we can monitor them.
Reboot the VFD after changing the H1 parameters
Next in Mach we need to add a new Modbus function under the Yaskawa-V1000-MON-x connection
Function Name: Digital Inputs Status
Slave address: 1
Modbus Register: 8205
Register Count: 1
Prefix: S
Initial State: Started
Scan Multiplier: 1
Read As: Unsigned
Use I/O Bit Packing: True
These are the names we used.
For more information see the attached manual YASKAWA AC Drive Option Modbus TCP/IP Technical Manual Model SI-EM3