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HITACHI P1 VFD Installation



VFD Control Type

There are 3 different ways a Hitachi VFD may be connected to MachMotion control: Ethercat, TCP Modbus, or Hardwired. Use the following procedure to determine which method your VFD uses. Then in each section of the manual go to that control method for information on how to program or connect it. 

On the menu bar of the MachMotion software, click Configure -> Control, then select the Output Signals tab.

Scroll down about 2/3s the list to the Spindle section. The Device that is selected for Spindle Fwd and / or Spindle Rev shows how the spindle is controlled. Use the pictures below to identify which method is used.

Ethercat - configuration below


TCP Modbus - configuration below


Hardwired - configuration below

For a hardwired VFD, it could be controlled through an EtherCat analog output slice or an Apollo III breakout board.



Control Cable

The VFD Control cable is the green Ethernet cable that runs from the Yaskawa VFD to the Control PC as shown in Figure 1. Or if you have an Apollo III motion controller, connect the VFD control cable into Ethernet 1 Port on the Apollo III. 

(Figure 1 Ethernet Connection to Control PC)

Spindle Motor

Connect your spindle motor to the terminals labeled U/T1,V/T2, and W/T3 as shown in Figure 2. If your spindle moves the wrong direction when you turn it on, just swap any three of the (U,V,W) leads.


(Figure 2 Spindle Motor Connections)

Brake Resistor

Connect your brake resistor by placing the two wires on the RB and P terminals as shown in Figure 3.
(Note: If needed to extend the wires use High Temp rated wire.)

Mount Resistor

Mount the resistor to the cabinet. Wire as shown in Figure 3.


(Figure 3 Resistor Connections)

Must enable braking resistor. See Hitachi P1 Parameters


If your spindle has a thermistor, please make sure to connect it. Use the following knowledge base from Yaskawa to understand what a thermistor is: Motor Protection Using Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) Thermistors


Wire the thermistor to the TH+ and TH- inputs on the VFD: 


The level of detecting resistance abnormality can be adjusted from 0 to 10000Ω. Impedance at abnormal temperature: 3kΩ. Yaskawa Sigma SD drives have a operating resistance of around 1.6k Ohms and a fault at 4k Ohms.


You have two options for programming the Hitachi VFDs:

  • Change the parameters through the faceplate buttons on the VFD. The Hitachi face plate menus are well-designed and very fast. If you have a limited set of parameters to install then use the face plate.
  • The Hitachi ProDriveNext software. The installation process takes a while and unless you need to save or restore a parameter set it will probably not be worth it. Instructions are at the end of this document - Install the Hitachi software.
Changing Parameters on the Drive

Use the F1 key to enter into menu mode.




  1. F1 (menu)
  2. Select 01 Scroll mode with the Center button
  3. Select All Parameters
  4. Find your parameter
  5. Press Center button to load into the the VFD

Programming with the Software

Search windows for ProDriveNext.

Select the Communication Protocol: Hitachi-USB. 


Select the Device: SJ-P1.


Then select the series based on the part number of the device. 


Press Online. 


Hitachi VFD EtherCAT Installation

To set up the Hitachi VFD to be commanded by EtherCAT you will need to modify 2 parameters:


Description Default Value Desired Value


Main Speed Source_M 1 (Term.[Ai1]) 9 (Option-1)
AA111 Run-cmd. Source_M1 0 (Term.[FW]/[RV]) 4 (Option-1)

If there is a delayed safety relay (knob or switches on the front of the safety relay), you will need to set up the following:
(Using a BOM Example)


  • CA-03: 31 (Sets S3 input to fast stop)
  • CA-23: 1 (Sets S3 input to Normally Closed)
  • AC-126: 4 (Or to your fast stop deceleration time - match standard decel)

The RapidPath plugin controls (writes to) some parameters for operation. If you change the value of any of them, your change will be overwritten.

Configure drive parameters in the RapidPath plugin

Go to Configure | Plugins | RapidPath - MachMotion:


Select the Other Devices tab, Click on the Hitachi VFD in the dropdown on the left and then select the Device Parameters at the bottom of the page:


From here you can click the Load from File button. Navigate to the C:\Mach4\DriveParameters\VFDs\Hitachi\SJ-P1 directory and select the file: Hitachi_Install_EtherCAT_I_O_device.drvprm.

Once it has loaded the parameter values from that file, the parameters that have been modified will be highlighted in green:


Click Write Changes button to save the updates to the drive.

You will need to power cycle the drive for the parameter changes to take effect.

Modbus Installation

Setup the IP Address

To modify the IP address follow these steps:

  1. F1 (menu)
  2. Select 01 Scroll mode with the Center button
  3. Press the Down Arrow multiple times until you highlight o:Option Card
  4. Select o:Option Card with the Center button
  5. Press F2 (Next Gr) multiple time until you get to the group oL-01 IPv4 IP address
  6. Press the Down Arrow multiple times until you highlight oL-03 IPv4 IP address
  7. Select oL-03 IPv4 IP address with the Center button
  8. Using the Up and Down, Left and Right Arrows set the IP Address group 3 to 208
  9. Press F2 (Save)
  10. Repeat steps 6 to 9 to set the remaining address groups

Before the Control can connect to the VFD these parameters need to be set.  On default you should only need to set the ones in bold.

 Parameters Description Default Range
oL-01 IPv4 IP Address (1) 192

IP Address

oL-02 IPv4 IP Address (2) 168

IP Address

oL-03 IPv4 IP Address (3) 208

IP Address

oL-04 IPv4 IP Address (4) 95

IP Address

oL-09 IPv4 Default Gateway (1) 192

IP Address

oL-10 IPv4 Default Gateway (2) 168

IP Address

oL-11 IPv4 Default Gateway (3) 208

IP Address

oL-12 IPv4 Default Gateway (4) 1

IP Address

Open the Configurable Parameters

To program the VFD you will need to utilize the Parameters.  Follow the next few steps to find the Hitachi parameters.

Navigate to the Service Page -> Maintenance Page and click on Interface Config



While in the Parameters Type "Hitachi" in the search field as shown in Figure 5. This will populate the parameters for the Hitachi P1 VFD as shown below).


(Figure 5 Default Parameters)

For a main spindle, set Control Source to Mach and Modbus Control Enabled to Yes.
For any other spindle like a grind wheel, regulating wheel, or sub spindle, set Control Source to Auxiliary and Modbus Control Enabled to Yes.

Hitachi VFD Modbus Converter Installation (non-standard)

For use with a STRIDE Modbus gateway model number: SGW-MB1511-T

Initial Connection to Converter

The gateway is configured through a web console, which is accessed using any web browser. The default management interface access is:

  • IP address: (if connecting at port E1)
  • Port: 80 
  • Username: admin 
  • Password: admin 

Change the IP address to what is stated on the Schematic:, .91, etc

Parameters that need to be changed on the Hitachi VFD:

Parameter Value
CF-01 10
CF-02 1
CF-03 00
CF-04 1
CF-05 4
CF-06 .30
CF-07 1
CF-08 1

Power cycle the drive after parameters have been set.

Hitachi VFD Hardwired Analog Installation

Analog could be run through an EtherCat analog output card or an Apollo motion control breakout board. Both of these hardware systems send the same 0-10v signals to the VFD.

Note that EtherCat analog output is distinct from connecting the VFD directly to the EtherCat system with all of the EtherCat protocol features. That is described further up in this document - Hitachi VFD EtherCAT Installation

Setup analog with a EtherCat analog output card

Follow the steps in this link Analog Spindle to configure the analog output for spindle control

Setup Analog Output Signal

Follow these steps in this link Mapping Analog Outputs to setup the analog output signal in Mach Config

By default from Hitachi, the AA101 and AA111 drive parameters are setup correctly for analog control:


Description Default Value Desired Value


Main Speed Source_M 1 (Term.[Ai1]) 1
AA111 Run-cmd. Source_M1 0 (Term.[FW]/[RV])


bA-61 Enable Braking Resistor 0


bA-63 Brake Resistor Resistance (Ohms) 10

Applicable resistor value

HITACHI P1 Parameters

Default Parameters

If there is a delayed safety relay (knob or switches on the front of the safety relay), you will need to set up the following:
(BOM Example: image-1640187980182.png)image-1640187974688.png

  • CA-03: 101 (Sets S3 input to Disable Motion)
  • CA-23: 00 (Sets S3 input to Normally Open) Default from Hitachi... originally MachMotion was setting this to 01 so it must be changed back to 00 on older systems. 

Motor Parameters 

Find your motor nameplate and enter in the parameters based on the table below.

If you cannot locate the motor’s base frequency, the name plate should tell you how many poles there are on the motor. You can also call the motor manufacturer to figure out the number of poles. Using the motor’s maximum RPM and its number of poles, you can calculate the base frequency with the formula below:

Base Frequency = Rated RPM * Number of Poles / 120

Max Frequency = Max RPM * Number of Poles / 120

 Parameters Description Default Range
AC120 Motor Accel. Time 4 Seconds 0.0 to 3600.0 Seconds
AC122 Motor Decel. Time 3 Seconds 0.0 to 3600.0 Seconds
Hb102 Motor Rated KWs 1.5 kW 0.00 to 650.00 kW
HB103 Number Of Motor Poles  4 Poles 2 to 12 Poles
HB105 Motor Max Output Frequency 60 Hz 1.0 to 590.0 Hz
HB104 Motor Base Frequency 60 Hz 1.0 to 590.0 Hz (Set before Max if Max is more than 60Hz). 
HB106 Motor Max Output Voltage 220 Volts 1-510 Volts
HB108 Motor Rated Current 5 Amps 10% to 200% of drive rated current
Hb116 No Load Current
Set to 40% of the Rated Current 
HB130 Motor Min Output Frequency  0.5 Hz 0.1 to 590.0 Hz

Braking Resistor Enable

2 2 Enables the Braking Resistor While Decel Only (Running & Stop)
bA-63 Brake Resistor Resistance (Ohms) 10

Regen resistor ohms. 

Bb101 Carrier Frequency 12k

Only Set for high speed spindles (HSD, etc). 

You can also modify the fan settings with this parameter.


Description Default Value Desired Value


Cooling fan control 0 (Always on)

2 (Temperature controlled)

For high speed spindles like HSD, you may also have to set up the volts hz curve using the Free V/f. Set AA121 to 02 and then Hb162-Hb150. 


Also, you can use S curve acceleration. 

Spindle Calibration

All the instructions for spindle calibration can be found in VFD - Spindle Calibration



If you were to get an alarm on the VFD you will receive a message on the computer screen from the Global Message System. In the description of the alarm it will describe the necessary steps to try to resolve the alarm.

IGBT Error


To test what is failing here, disconnect the motor from the VFD and run the VFD. If the error doesn't come back, then the VFD is good and there is a problem with the wiring / motor. This error could be caused by a short or arcing on the wiring. It could also be caused by a locked rotor. 

For additional testing you could do a diode test on the drive on T1, T2, and T3. 

See the attached SJ-P1 Users Guide Chapter 1-20 for alarm codes. The listing starts on page 18-5. For alarm E090 to E096, please see the attached Functional Safety Guide.

Regen Resistor Hot

If your regen resistor is hot, check your incoming voltage. If it is high, the regen resistors will be used constantly and can overheat. Fix the overvoltage issue first. If you cannot, then increase the resistor's wattage. For example, a 400VAC P1's voltage range is 380-500VAC. 

Setup Verification

To test any modbus VFD, review the following items to confirm it is setup correctly:

Does the VFD run the spindle? The VFD RUN light should be on solid when it is up to speed. If it isn't, the VFD is not programmed correctly. 

Does the RPM change when you change the spindle speed on the control?

Does the VFD go both directions?

If you disconnect the VFD control cable does the control time out with a VFD Disconnected Error?

Is the RPM feedback correct? 

Does up to speed and at speed work correctly inside the control? 


Installing the Hitachi software

The Hitachi software has dependencies on older specific .net software that is not available through the normal .net install locations.

  1. From the start menu search for Windows Features and run it. Yes, this really is a Windows app - even in Windows 11.image.png
  2. Select the first .NET Framework 3.5 and all the sub-features. It will add several others to resolve dependencies. 73201cf6-6459-41fc-b237-283a34f26424.png
  3. Click OK then select 


  4. Use your browser to go to the Hitachi download site - ProDriveNext software

  5. Verify that your VFD is one of the series supported by this software
  6. Download the current version and follow the instructions on the web page
  7. You should find the original VFD parameter set here: C:\Mach4\DriveParameters\VFDs\Hitachi
  8. Please save your changes to a new file in the same location
  9. You will need a Mini USB Cable connected to the VFD and the computer that will be doing the programming 


Factory Reset

Set Ub-01 to 07 to reset everything to factory defaults other than IO and communication settings. 

Set Ub-05 to 01. Then cycle power on the VFD. 



VFD Repairs

EMA can repair Hitachi VFDs if needed. This is Hitachi's preferred repair house. 


Apollo III 

Make sure the VFD is powered all the time. Otherwise the VFD will not connect correctly.

Wire the Estop circuit as shown below: 


Warranty Information

MachMotion warranty policy is subject to change. Updated information is available at our website:


The MachMotion Team
14518 County Road 7240, Newburg, MO 65550
(573) 368-7399 • Fax (573) 341-2672